Medical aid is not cheap. In fact, if you have an acute or serious health condition then medical aid cover in Zimbabwe can cost you a fortune. Sure, you’ll find some plans that won’t break the bank, but finding these medical aid providers with affordable premiums that cover all your medical conditions can be near impossible.

There are specific conditions like being HIV-positive, having certain cancers or being under 19 years old can also affect how much your medical aid will cost. If you want to know whether you qualify for medical aid in Zimbabwe and what options are available to you, keep reading…

You Can Access Medical Aid, Even if You Don’t Have a Job

This is because most medical aid societies that offer services in Zimbabwe accept applicants who do not work. You will be required to fill out an application form and declare source of funds.

Benefits of Having Medical Aid Membership

Medical aid helps you pay for medical services when you need them. It also helps you save money on certain medicines and treatments so that you don’t have to pay the full price yourself.

If you are a student in Zimbabwe, your parents may be eligible for medical aid coverage through their employer or association. If they aren’t working, they might still be eligible through their spouse’s employer or association. If this isn’t an option, they might be able to purchase their own policy instead of relying on yours (if they qualify).

If you’re not working but living at home with your parents, then they may be able to add you onto their policy without having to meet any age requirements or other restrictions (elderly dependents). Or if they have their own independent policy already in place, then adding another dependent might be possible as well!

How to Get Medical Aid For Your Family When You’re Not Working in Zimbabwe

You can get medical aid for your family if you’re not working in Zimbabwe. You may be wondering how to go about this, especially if you’re not sure of where to start.

First, take a look at the options available to you. By doing this, you’ll be able to see what kind of plan is best for your needs and also how much money it will cost.

Second, make sure you understand what’s covered by each plan. Some plans cover more than others do and some offer less coverage than others do as well.

Third, find out if there are any other requirements that need to be met before a certain date or time period has passed so that they can be eligible for coverage under the plan they’ve chosen.

For example, some plans require that applicants have been resident in Zimbabwe for at least six months before they can apply for medical aid through them; others may require longer periods of residence before applicants can apply for their services (such as one year or two years).


The short answer is yes. If you or your family are sick and you aren’t working, you’re still entitled to get medical aid. If you would like to know more about this subject, do not hesitate to contact us on 08677 200 200 or click here to contact us